A documented claim against the conduct of an employee or sub-contractor of GEEV CERTIFICATION SOLUTIONZ.
A documented claim against a certified client by a user of that client, or any other interested party.
A documented claim from a client company against the Certification recommendation of the GEEV CERTIFICATION SOLUTIONZ audit team, and subsequent Certification decision by Management
A documented claim, made by a member of GEEV CERTIFICATION SOLUTIONZ’ staff, against a decision or action made by any GEEV CERTIFICATION SOLUTIONZ manager. Disputes are sent to senior management where a decision is made to either; find the dispute justified, and therefore establish and take action on the causes and make relevant changes to the Policy or Practices of GEEV CERTIFICATION SOLUTIONZ, or find the dispute not justified, and make a note in the relevant personnel files.
All complaints received by GEEV CERTIFICATION SOLUTIONZ will be appropriately addressed and a reasonable effort will be made to resolve all of the complaints received. It is important that GEEV CERTIFICATION SOLUTIONZ staff are aware of the appropriate balance between the principles of openness and confidentiality (refer to the Policy Manual); including responsiveness to complaints, in order to demonstrate integrity and credibility to all.